Good, but long-standing problems with multiple item orders
If your order contains multiple items which get delivered at different times (e.g. Apple or Amazon orders), it’s completely random which of the items gets picked for tracking. Clearly, you don’t want to track the items that have already arrived, but the ones that are yet to (particularly the one that is delivered next). For some reason, this thought must have never occurred to the makers of this app over the years. You can select an item to represent the order, but once you leave the app or open it on a different device (e.g. change from your Mac to your iPhone), it’s completely random which item gets picked. There should also really be a way to archive the parts of an order that have shipped. I have now been notified about 500 times that a movie that is part of a multi-item order got shipped last February, gee thanks.
Apart from that, I have no further complaints. It’s perfect as long as your orders only contain one item each.
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